Jobs, Unions, and Professional Education

Inriguing story over at the The Atlantic by Jordan Weissmann on a new study by Jeremy Greenwood (an economist at Penn) and Emin Dinlersoz (from the Census Bureau) on occupational change between 1983 and 2002. A good deal of the change in occupations had to do with changes in technology. As Weissmann puts it:

In roughly 20 years, entire categories of factory work nearly disappeared. If your job hinged on your aptitude with a shoe machine, it was in danger. Likewise if you worked a lathe every day for a living, or had a spot anywhere else on a classic production line, where dozens of hands handled simple, discreet tasks.


Does This Phone Make Me Sound Selfish?

Not really sure exactly what to make of this. Tania ap Sion and Owen Edwards recently published a study that compared the content of prayer requests submitted to the Church of England’s Say One For Me website and those submitted in handwritten form in churches. As it turns out, the content of the prayer requests differed dramatically.

[Researchers] found that 34% of people had prayed online for help with their own personal issues, compared to just 3% or 4% of traditional handwritten prayers left in churches. These online prayer authors were particularly concerned about their work or relationships, as well as their personal spiritual or moral issues.The number of prayers submitted for friends or loved ones also fell from 75% of church notes, to 57% online.


Happy Mothers’ Day (Don’t Forget to Post on Your Mom’s Wall)

Was a time, not so long ago when electronics where pretty much a guy thing. Even a few years ago, electronics manufacturers had a hard time figuring out how to sell anything but a television to women. But now, the tide has turned. Nielson released a new survey of American mothers that shows moms are pretty solidly wired.

Power Hungry Generation

Growing up in the 70s and 80s, I have lots of memories of my folks telling me to stop leaving lights on and to “close the door, we’re not trying to air-condition the neighborhood.”  Following the oil embargo, President Jimmy Carter tried to send the nation on the path of energy conservation, and in some respects it worked.

Buoyed by Vice-President Al Gore’s messaging twenty years later, conservation has made it mainstream.  But just as green in the 70s was limited to energy conservation, it seems that these days, it may be limited to recycling. Interesting notice on a study on GenY perceptions of environmental messaging and electricity.

Feedback from participants also indicated that Gen Y’s are dismissive of the impact they can and do have on the environment and that, when electricity is restricted, it is not uncommon for Gen Ys to experience a degree of stress.

Given our increase in gadgets, maybe it is time to start doing some messaging on energy again.

Helping Future Brits Breath Easier

So far, the tech and media news from the London Olympics has been about streaming media (all of it, all the time) and sponsor branding police (all of it, all the time). Now, there’s much cooler news that researchers are going to use the Olympics as an occasion to plan for air pollution.


Story Lovechild: Teachers Want To Teach Their Own Students

A new feature at Rewiring Virtue: what happens when two issues run into each other? Story lovechild, of course. For our first installment, we have the connection of posts about faculty wanting to help students and education tech bloggers missing some key points.
